AP Exam Fee Waiver Program

Please refer to the AP Exam Fee Reduction Memorandum for eligibility guidance. See our Fee Reduction Policy page for more informaion.

Wood figures wearing mortar boards

Key Info for Schools Receiving AP Exam Fee Waivers

Each public school (charters included) must adhere to the following:

  • Report the projected number of AP Exams to be taken by all students and the number of those students covered by the test fee reduction program. Schools must report these numbers, regardless of whether or not there is a change from year to year. Schools that fail to report these figures will be held financially responsible for paying the AP Exam fees for its students.
  • Order College Board AP Exams directly from College Board.
  • Please provide REC 9 estimates by November 15, 2024, (following the initial order), and by March 15, 2025, (if there are any changes to your order) by completing the AP Fee Waivers Reporting Form.

Important Student/Parent Info

Whether you attend public school or homeschool or require special accommodations, planning ahead is critical. Now is the time to think ahead about the AP courses you plan to take so you don’t miss important deadlines. We encourage you to review the College Board calendar and timeline and note these critical deadlines.

Hand holding a piece of paper